Wednesday 2 December 2015

DomiNations update

Yesterday, I completed my ballistic research and I accidentally built my castle using crowns today.

Now, I am going to tell you how ballistic works. It has an arrow ready and puts the string behind the arrow, tightens the string and zoom! Out flies the arrow.

Now for the castle. It had two guards on it and 2 places reserved for the generals you have trained. Generals will go on both attack and defence.

Sunday 21 June 2015

Clash of clan progress

I upgraded my town hall to level 8

I can have 2 skeleton traps,

one more dark barrack, one more hidden tesla and one more dark elixir drill etc

I have been waiting for town hall 8 upgrade for a long time. I am very excited to finally have these things.

I have also upgrade my clan castle to level 4. Now I am happy because I can get more troops from my clan.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Clash of Clans update

It had been a long time since I updated about my Clash of Clan. Things had progress very well!!

I got into Crystal League 2.

My win bonus now are 50K Gold Coin and Elixir and 200 Dark Elixir.

I made many upgrades to my Barbarian King.

And had unlocked Barbarian King Iron Fist at level 5.

All my village walls had been upgrade to dark crystal. My air defenses were fully upgraded to level 5 too.

My dragon was upgraded to level 2. I noticed at the point of upgrade completion, the level 1 dragons trained would be converted to level 2 without additional elixir deducted.

I made a successful raid with my level 2 dragons

I am upgrading my town hall to level 8!

I am looking forward to the more powerful defense and troops that comes with level 8 town hall.

Friday 5 June 2015

Up movie and rainbow cake

Yesterday, 3rd Jun, we watched the movie, Up. It was very funny. My sister and I enjoyed it. We had prawn crackers during the movie.

Before the movie, we had rainbow cake.

It was thick with many colourful layers. I liked the cake.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Day at SEA Games Carnival

Yesterday, my parents brought my sister and I to the SEA Games Carnival. We drove and parked in Kallang Wave shopping center. I was overjoyed.

I enjoyed myself riding on the Ninebot.

I watched a Laser Tag game.

I was delighted to have cups of tasty Milo at the carnival.

Table tennis was my favourite game.

I enjoyed myself when playing Zorb-ball. Zorb-ball was like a big transparent balloon.

I played an interesting game where you use a white football to kick other coloured balls into holes.

I played Walk-on-water because it was easy that day. The water I walked on was soft and sticky.

I played hockey-golf which was about using hockey stick to put golf balls into holes.

After playing 5 games, we can exchange for a SEA Games badge.

My sister and I liked Nila, a lovable lion mascot for this SEA Games.

Everyone there were happy and polite.

We ate dinner in Kallang Wave. I had noodles and had sweet chendol for dessert.

Thursday 9 April 2015

Wasted Nutella waffle

This morning with bought plain waffle for breakfast. My papa spread Nutella on the waffle for me. When I was about to finish the waffle, I accidentally dropped it. I was very sad. I will hold my food firmly next time.

Thursday 19 March 2015


三月十五日,我获得第一个clan war 的三星胜利。我觉得很高兴可以帮忙我的clan。希望以后可以有更多贡献。

Sunday 15 March 2015

第一个 clan war 胜利

三月十二日我得到第一个 clan war 胜利。


我喜欢 玩clan war。

Thursday 12 March 2015

Using Clash of Clans spell

Lightning spell can create lightning striking onto enemy buildings.

Healing spell can create a healing ring to keep troops alive.

Rage spell create a rage ring to give your troops more power and speed.

Jump spell can create a jump ring and your troops can jump over walls.

Freeze spell freeze enemy defence.

Wednesday 11 March 2015

我的第一个 clan war

昨天我第一次打 clan war。打得不好。赢一颗星输三颗星。我会再努力。

Tuesday 10 February 2015

10 Feb 15 书法,杰康,Dark Axle, 雪糕

今天,美术课上,老师教我们书法。老师给我们毛笔和墨。我们写了 “大吉大利”。我喜欢石老师因为她的讲解很清楚。


Clash of Clan 中的 Dark Axle Drill 建好了,也开始建 Dark Barrack。


Sunday 8 February 2015

8 Feb 15 The City

Today I went to The City to celebrate XinRu and XuZhi's birthday. We played a few games like building castles using foam, writing cards to the birthday boy / girl. I enjoyed the shopping game with Hazel; we had to buy items from the shopping list. We bought extra items like milo and baby milk!

Then we ate McDonald's fries / nuggets and Ribena for snack. I like them a lot! The birthday cakes were Frozen and Big Hero 6.

The we had free play. I raced with the other kids. I loved the fireman costume and Hazel wore the nurse and Princess costumes.

I was tired but had an enjoyable day!

Saturday 7 February 2015

7 Feb 15 杰康



Friday 6 February 2015

Real Steel Highlights

On 23 Jan 15, my Axelrod defeated Twin Cities to be crowned champion of WRB 1. With that, all my bots are champions. Below are the highlights of my Real Steel adventure:

Undisputed Champions

I have 3 undisputed champions who won their championship level in their base model without losing a single match. It is not easy and I am very proud of them. They are:




Base Bot Champions

These are bots who won their championship level in their base model. These bots might have lost some matches but they did not give up and managed to finally win some extreme fights. I am proud of them too. They are:

UW 1

Danger Zone



UW 2



Twin Cities

Noisy Boy







Crimson Carnage

My favourite bot

My favourite bot is Cosmobot. It is powerful, fast and has reconstruction. I often have problem beating Cosmobot. I am very happy that I own one.

My first fully upgraded bot

Hollowjack is my first fully upgraded bot. It is very powerful now. When its special bar reaches blue color, my Hollowjack can unleash Ultra Laughter Riot (level 3) special move. The move deals a damage of 2300. Most bots cannot survive this special move.

Interesting moments

There were some interesting moments during games.

The Longest Match

The longest match took place when my Metro beat the computer Metro. This was because both bots had passive health regeneration. The two bots had their health regenerated a few times during the match. Finally, my Metro won in 6min 13sec

Excavator ripped off shielded Abandon

Computer's Abandon was equipped with Shield boost. However, my Excavator managed to damage Abandon so quickly that by the time Abandon activate the Shield boost, it was too late! So I saw a interesting scene with Excavator ripping off a shielded Abandon.

The other champion bots

These bots needed some upgrades before winning their championships. Nevertheless, they are determined not to give up when things are not going well. I like them too.






Fat Boy

Back Top


Six Shooter

Cardinal Chaos



Blue Bot
 Aqua Bot
