Monday 5 January 2015

5 Jan 15 First day at Tao Nan School

I went Tao Nan School today and my parents came till 4pm. I only got to meet them at recess time.

We gathered in the hall for assembly. The principal and P1 level head taught us the bow and greetings. They taught us how to stand at attention and recite the pledge. I liked the principal because he told us funny jokes and made us laugh.

Then we went to our classroom. My form teacher is Mdm Heriana. My partner is Sherlyn. I also made friends with Victor and Cedric.

Then we went for recess. I ate my snack and bought wanton noodles.

After recess we handed in some books for the teachers to keep. Very soon it was time to leave. The teachers took very long to send the students to their school buses. Finally papa came, I was so happy to see him.

I am excited to go back tomorrow.

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