Thursday 29 January 2015

30 Jan 15

The hidden tesla in Clash of Clans is ready! When enemy raid us, they cannot see the hidden tesla until it attacks. Papa built two cannons, one army camp, one mortar and one Archer tower. I like hardworking buildings and not lazy builders.


Wednesday 28 January 2015

Clash of Clans: Hidden Tesla

Yesterday, I started building hidden tesla in my Clash of Clans game. I was very excited because when enemy raid, the enemy cannot see the hidden tesla until the tesla starts to attack them.

I like to make my builders work. I do not like lazy builders. I want hardworking builders.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

27 Jan 15 武术

我第一次上武术课,有很多同学参与。我的好朋友 Jovin 和 Kong Joon 也有参加。两位教练教我们基本拳法:有平拳,立拳,推拳,钩手。

放学后,我和 Jovin 在练习武术。

Monday 26 January 2015

26 Jan 15 Clash of Clans

Papa's friend showed me his Clash of Clans game. He had a lot of things in his world and is awesome. All his troops are at high level. I saw the dark axle drill, hog and hidden tesla for the first time.

He showed me a replay of an attack he did. He can also team up with a friend to play Clan War.

Sunday 25 January 2015

25 Jan 15 balloon, basketball

This morning auntie Cecile made pancakes for our breakfast.

Then I helped nai nai with the peeling of the living room ceiling.

I played with sister in the train at the Tampines library. Papa and mama went to borrow books.

Grandma came and then we went NTUC. We not a lot of things and redeemed some Milo balloons and a claypot. I was delighted to get the balloons.

Then we went to watch basketball between Fastbreak and Vikings. Fastbreak won by a large margin.

Then we went for chicken rice dinner.

Saturday 24 January 2015

24 Jan 15

昨天是黄老师的生日,今天是 Shirlene 的生日。Shirlene 给我们 goodie bag。

Clash of Clans 的 dark axle storage 建好了。我需要买 dark axle drill 才开始收集 dark axle。

我们到 NTUC 换 Nestle 的新年气球。


Thursday 22 January 2015

22 Jan 15 Townhall

在 Clash of Clans 的 Townhall 终于建好了。可是我没办法买到 Barbarian King 因为我没有 Dark Axle。

在 Real Steel 里,Axelrod 打败了 Cosmobot。下一场比赛是对 Twin Cities 。


Wednesday 21 January 2015

21 Jan 15 dentist Aquabot

Today I went to see the dentist again. The dentist pulled out my shaky tooth. She put a strawberry cream before extracting. It was not too painful.

Papa bought milo and chicken rice for my lunch and a chicken burger for recess.

Aquabot defeated Metro at the fifth try. Aquabot was at stage 3 we used the Repair Boost. When both robots were at low health, Aquabot gave an aggressive punch.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

20 Jan 15


Clash of Clan 的Townhall 后天就好了,我很兴奋。

我和爸爸upgrade 了 Real Steel 的 Aquabot 三次。

Monday 19 January 2015

19 Jan 15 Bluebot

Today we brought down Midas using Bluebot. Bluebot ripped Midas off.

We used the PG card at NTUC today.

Mama had lunch with us at Bedok.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Tampines 1 water playground and soccer with Xavier

This morning, I played in Tampines 1 water playground.

In the afternoon, I played the colour code game with my parents. My mother had 1 min to complete the colour puzzle. I had 5 min to complete the puzzle. I managed to clear all ten levels of the challenge. I also played uppy-keepy and managed to keep the balloon up for 150 hits.

In the late afternoon, I met xavier in the park. We played soccer and played in the playground. We ran around and talked about "Plant vs Zombies"

At night, I had dinner with my nai nai at Hans.

Saturday 17 January 2015

17 Jan 15 体操


Friday 16 January 2015

16 Jan 15 Ultimate Cannonball

We ate noodles at Bedok coffeeshop during lunch. I also drank grass jelly drink.

I brought milo to school!

At night I bought Ultimate Cannonball on my Ben10 game. I also got the Pepper Pult in Plants Vs Zombies.

Thursday 15 January 2015

15 Jan 15 打针, 课室




Wednesday 14 January 2015

14 Jan 15 Crimson Carnage

Today Crimson Carnage brought down Zeus. It was a tough fight. We used a Recover boost to help us defeat Zeus.

We had soup and French fries for dinner.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

13 Jan 15 Chewy Junior, NTUC

今天的早餐有Chewy Junior 甜甜圈。

早上我们到NTUC 买 yoghurt 和雪糕。

我们第一次上美术课。老师要我们装饰我们写上的名字。我有一个新朋友Yesmin。Kong Jun 是我的新伙伴,坐在我旁边。放学时,Jovin在画Clash of Clans。

Monday 12 January 2015

12 Jan 15 Crimson Carnage

I had chicken rice for recess. I liked it very much.

Crimson Carnage is my only robot which is not a champion. Tonight I brought Crimson Carnage all the way to fight against Zeus. Unfortunately it lost. I will try again next time.

I played Potion Shop (Ant Race) with gugu tonight. I invented this game. The ants race up the sofa. We can buy potions to help win the race (eg hot fudge, strawberry, ice cream, flying, freeze, speed up, slow down). Hot Fudge burns a hole in the ground. Strawberry and ice cream feed the opponent to show them down. We had a lot of fun.

Sunday 11 January 2015

11 Jan 15 CHAS Carnival, Xavier

This morning we passed by the CHAS Carnival at Tampines. I caught many guppies during longkang fishing. We had free ice ball, hotdog and corn. We had butterfly balloon and sword balloon.

At home, we had fun with the balloons. The sword is floating in the air and Hazel fights using her butterfly.

I played blocks robot fighting with wai gong.

After dinner, we bought bread from Century Square and meet Xavier! We had a good chat. Hope to see him again soon.

Saturday 10 January 2015

6 Jan 15 basketball yamaha

今天我在篮球课上表现还好。Coach Denzer 把球篮调高,我的队连续进很多粒球。教练笑说我们上错班了。教练也教我们传球。我够机警接到了教练的球。



Friday 9 January 2015

9 Jan 15

Today is first day papa drove me to school. We went lunch at Bedok hawker centre with grandparents and Hazel. I ate fishball minced meat noodles.

In school, we started math lessons. We learnt the National Anthem during music lesson. I bought milo from the vending machine during recess.

Mama fetched me earlier today and we went to Bedok Mall.

Thursday 8 January 2015

8 Jan 15 伙伴




Wednesday 7 January 2015

7 Jan 15 PE attire

Today is the first time I wore the school PE attire.

This morning, papa played a canteen game with me. I had to buy food from the Hello Kitty stall owners. I bought noodles, fish bun and ran out of money to buy Milo.

I managed to watch Flash on TV at 7:30pm tonight.

Tuesday 6 January 2015



牙医有张特别的椅子,可以上升下降。牙医一直骂椅子不听话(naughty chair)。我戴上黑色的眼镜。


Monday 5 January 2015

5 Jan 15 First day at Tao Nan School

I went Tao Nan School today and my parents came till 4pm. I only got to meet them at recess time.

We gathered in the hall for assembly. The principal and P1 level head taught us the bow and greetings. They taught us how to stand at attention and recite the pledge. I liked the principal because he told us funny jokes and made us laugh.

Then we went to our classroom. My form teacher is Mdm Heriana. My partner is Sherlyn. I also made friends with Victor and Cedric.

Then we went for recess. I ate my snack and bought wanton noodles.

After recess we handed in some books for the teachers to keep. Very soon it was time to leave. The teachers took very long to send the students to their school buses. Finally papa came, I was so happy to see him.

I am excited to go back tomorrow.

Sunday 4 January 2015

First Sunday of 2015

Today my father carried up the mattress I used in my preschool.

In the afternoon, we made avocado milkshake. I liked it. As we were making the milkshake, my grandparents came. I played with them.

Saturday 3 January 2015

My first JXC lesson

I had my first JXC lesson today. I am excited because I would have new classmates.

Yamaha on Saturday looked different from Thursday because there were many people.

My new classroom is at studio 5 and my new teacher is Ms Melissa. I was told parents will still sit in for the next 2 months. However, students are expected to be independent and do everything themselves.

On my way home, I saw my former teacher Ms Low. I wished her a happy new year. I would also like to wish all my JMC friends a happy new year and a wonderful music journey.

Friday 2 January 2015

2 Jan 15 游乐场



下午,我在家里看电影 Harry Potter 第二集。



1 Jan 15 新年

爸爸带我去买麦当劳早餐,开始了新的一年。我们看电视播映的 Sofia the First - Once Upon a Princess 。

晚上,我们看了 Tad the Lost Explorer 。很好看。

我们还吃了 Baskin Robbins 雪糕,有焦糖口味和花生酱口味。