Wednesday 7 September 2016


Last Saturday, I caught Pikachu, Meowth, Mankey, Shellder and Magnemite at Gardens By The Bay. I caught Pikachu in front of the gym partly by surprise because I was actually only checking! I caught Meowth at the area to guess lantern riddles. Yesterday, I went Tanjong Pagar. I caught Gastly and Dodrio. I caught both at the hawker centre. Today, I went to NTUC and powered up my Pinsir from 836 CP to 1010 CP. Sometimes, I would check to see if I could fight, if I could fight I would fight. But after all this I still hope to catch an Exeggcute to evolve.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Domination - Enter the Ninja quest

Last Wednesday, we completed a quest called 'Enter the Ninja'. There were 5 levels and the ultimate level is a Ninja Dojo that lets you train both Ninja and Shinobi.

What is a Shinobi, you might ask. Oh well, Shinobi is like a Ninja and can attack static defensive structures undetected. Shinobi, though, has higher hitpoints and deals more damage than Ninja. However, the extra training costs more.

I loved the Shinobi but it has a high housing space and is time limited. The Ninja Dojo expired yesterday. I am also worried that the Shinobis I have will take up too much housing space and I will not be able to train other bigger troops for battle.

Saturday 9 July 2016


比赛要开始了我很紧张。 比赛开始时我很高兴 因为我们连赢三场比赛暂列第一。 但是kalist 就是一直赢, 夺走我们的第一名。


比赛结束前,我们兴奋地观察战况。happystick 必须多赢一场才能超越我们。可惜没人和他比赛。 我们不战而保住第二位。

Friday 8 July 2016

3rd place in Clash Royale tournament

We joined a tournament that our clan mate, Sai, created. We ended in 3rd place. It was a tough fight because we kept dropping out and moving back to 3rd place.

Our closest competitor, Rock, put up a good fight. With 10 minutes to go before the tournament ended, we were in 3rd place. Rock fought, won and obtained enough trophies to overtake us! We had to fight again. We managed to win a weaker opponent and got back to 3rd place.

Rock did not give up! With 5 minutes to go, Rock fought Miffy, won and overtook us again! We had to fight again to reclaim the 3rd spot.

With less than 3 minutes to go, we entered battle and fought with Miffy as well! This was the last battle of the tournament and attracted 5 spectators! It was a difficult battle but we managed to beat Miffy and secured the 3rd place!!

Disappointingly, the prize cards were not very good :(

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Clash Royale Tournament

In the latest Clash Royale update, a new feature, Tournament, was added.

In Tournament, a group of participating players will play against one another to win trophies for their ranking. For Tournament with a group of 50 players, the top 20 players will get a Tournament chest. Those with higher ranking will get better chests.

Tournaments are created using gems. After creating your Tournament, you can invite people to join it. We created a tournament and got a chest! I hoped all the players had fun.

Monday 27 June 2016

First day Of term 3, 27 June 2016

It was the first day of term 3. During assembly, Mrs Lee gave us a talk on EMERGENCY EVACUATION. Then we returned to our classrooms for CL lesson. We got back our 听写 results and I was delighted to score full marks. During EL lesson, we read a new book called: ' 'what will the weather be like today". Then we got its worksheet. We did 2 exercises on Vocabulary one, a cross-word puzzel, and the other one is on countable and uncountable nouns. For recess, as I wasn't hungry, I just drank a packet of milo. For PE, we played skiping and rolling a hollahop on the ground. It was the end of that school day.☺